
add_formatter_type(typ: Type[Formatter], /) None[source]
add_handler_type(typ: Type[Handler], /) None[source]
clear() None[source]

Clear all existing loggers, handlers and formatters.

This function also closes all existing handlers.

configure(config_dict: _DictConfig, /, context_var: ContextVar = LOG_CONTEXT) Logger[source]

Configure loggers for a configuration dict.

  • config_dict – logging configuration (JSON compatible), at module init this function is called with uvlog.BASIC_CONFIG to provide default loggers and handlers

  • context_var – log context variable, see contextvars

This function is similar to dictConfig in the standard logging module, although the config format is slightly different.

    "loggers": {
        "app": {
            "level": "ERROR",
            "handlers": ["my_file.txt"],
            "capture_trace": True
    "handlers": {
        "my_file.txt": {
            "class": "StreamHandler",
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "formatter": "my_format"
    "formatters": {
        "my_format": {
            "class": "TextFormatter",
            "format": "{name}: {message}"

The main differences are:

  • ‘class’ names for handlers and formatters must be registered beforehand using ‘add_formatter_type()’ and

    ‘add_handler_type()’ respectively to allow classes not inherited from Handler / ‘Formatter`

  • handler names are their destinations, since by design you’re not allowed to bind multiple handlers to a single


  • ‘format’ for the text formatter should be in Python f-string format


The function is designed in such way you can extend or modify existing loggers, handlers or formatters by passing a config. If you want to configure logging from zero you should call clear() method beforehand. Please note that you need to provide all the handlers, formatters, loggers in the config after doing that, including the root logger (empty string).

get_logger(name: str = _root_logger_name, /, *, persistent: bool = False) Logger[source]

Get an existing logger or create a new one.

  • name – logger full name, for example ‘’, by default returns the root logger

  • persistent – make this logger persistent and store it forever


Contrary to Python default logging module, this function by default produces a non-persistent logger unless it has been created using uvlog.configure(). This means that once no existing references exist for this logger, it will be garbage-collected.

set_logger_type(typ: Type[Logger], /) None[source]


class Logger[source]

Logger object.

It can be used almost like a standard Python logger, except that it allows passing keyword arguments directly to extra:

main_logger = uvlog.get_logger('app')
logger = main_logger.get_child('my_service')

logger.debug('debug message', debug_value=42)
logger.error('error happened', exc_info=Exception())
name: str

Logger name

level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER'] = 'INFO'

Logging level

handlers: List[Handler]

List of attached log handlers

sample_rate: float = 1.0

Log records sample rate which determines a probability at which a record should be sampled.

Sample rate is not considered for levels above ‘INFO’. Values >= 1 disable the sampling mechanism.

sample_propagate: bool = True

By default the sampling mechanism is contextual meaning that if there’s a non-empty log context, the log chain is marked ‘sampled’ as it sampled by the first logger in a chain. Once a record is ‘sampled’ the log chain cannot be unsampled, i.e. all subsequent loggers will be forced to sample it as well. It allows to preserve an entire request log chain in the logs and not just some random not connected logs.

context: ContextVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = <ContextVar name='LOG_CONTEXT' default=None>

Log context variable - useful for contextual data, see contextvars

capture_trace: bool = False

Capture traceback for each call such as line numbers, file names etc. — may affect performance

set_level(level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER'], /) None[source]
getChild(name: str, /) Logger[source]

Get or create a child logger.

This is a compatibility wrapper around get_child(). Use that method instead.

get_child(name: str, /, *, persistent: bool = False) Logger[source]

Get or create a child logger inheriting all the logger settings.


Note that by default a new logger is not persistent, i.e. it will be eventually garbage collected if there are no live references to it.

never(msg: str, /, *args, exc_info: Exception | None = None, stack_info=None, stacklevel=1, **kws) None[source]
critical(msg: str, /, *args, exc_info: Exception | None = None, stack_info=None, stacklevel=1, **kws) None[source]
error(msg: str, /, *args, exc_info: Exception | None = None, stack_info=None, stacklevel=1, **kws) None[source]
warning(msg: str, /, *args, exc_info: Exception | None = None, stack_info=None, stacklevel=1, **kws) None[source]
info(msg: str, /, *args, exc_info: Exception | None = None, stack_info=None, stacklevel=1, **kws) None[source]
debug(msg: str, /, *args, exc_info: Exception | None = None, stack_info=None, stacklevel=1, **kws) None[source]
class LogRecord[source]

Log record object.

A log record object is created when a log method of a logger is called.

name: str

Logger name

level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER']

Log record level name

levelno: int

Log record level number

asctime: datetime

Timestamp of record creation

message: str

Log message

exc_info: Exception | None

Exception (if any)

args: tuple | None

Log call positional arguments.

This attribute is left only for compatibility reasons. It’s not used in formatting log messages.

extra: Mapping[str, Any] | None

Log extra information provided in kwargs

ctx: Mapping[str, Any] | None

Log contextual information

filename: str | None

Filename of the caller

func: str | None

Function name of the caller

lineno: int | None

Source code line number of the caller


class Handler[source]

Log handler interface.

It’s a protocol class, i.e. one doesn’t need to inherit from it to create a valid handler.

route_prefix: ClassVar[str]
classmethod accepts_destination(route: str, /) bool[source]
abstract classmethod resolve_destination(route: str, /) str[source]

Resolve destination route and normalize it.

abstract handle(record: LogRecord, /) None[source]
set_level(level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER'], /) None[source]
abstract close() None[source]

Close the handler including all connections to its destination.

This method is called automatically at exit for each added handler by the clear() function.

class QueueHandler[source]

Logging handler with an internal queue.

The handler uses a separate thread to write logs to the buffer via the write() method. Note that this handler doesn’t use any internal locks, because it’s expected by design that each handler has its own destination.

queue_size: int

Log queue size, infinite by default

batch_size: int

Maximum number of log records to concatenate and write at once, consider setting it so an average batch would be ~ tens of KBs

abstract open_stream() None[source]

Open a stream and prepare for sending logs there.

abstract close_stream() None[source]

Close the stream if opened.

abstract write_records(formatted_records: List[bytes], /) None[source]
handle(record: LogRecord, /) None[source]

Put a log record to the write queue.

write() None[source]

Write logs from the queue to the stream.

This method is executed in a separate thread.

close() None[source]

Close the handler including all connections to its destination.

This method is called automatically at exit for each added handler by the clear() function.

classmethod accepts_destination(route: str, /) bool
abstract classmethod resolve_destination(route: str, /) str

Resolve destination route and normalize it.

set_level(level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER'], /) None
route_prefix: ClassVar[str]
class QueueStreamHandler[source]

Logging handler with an internal queue.

This handler uses a queue and a separate thread providing at least some concurrency during intensive logging workload. It has a worse overall performance than StreamHandler but may be beneficial if you have concurrent code such as a server application.

You may want to set queue_size to some reasonable value considering your application workload.

classmethod accepts_destination(route: str, /) bool
close() None

Close the handler including all connections to its destination.

This method is called automatically at exit for each added handler by the clear() function.

handle(record: LogRecord, /) None

Put a log record to the write queue.

classmethod resolve_destination(route: str, /) str

Resolve destination route and normalize it.

route_prefix: ClassVar = 'file'
set_level(level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER'], /) None
terminator: ClassVar = b'\n'
write() None

Write logs from the queue to the stream.

This method is executed in a separate thread.

queue_size: int

Log queue size, infinite by default

batch_size: int

Maximum number of log records to concatenate and write at once, consider setting it so an average batch would be ~ tens of KBs

open_stream() None[source]

Open a stream and prepare for sending logs there.

close_stream() None[source]

Close the stream if opened.

write_records(formatted_records: List[bytes], /) None[source]
class StreamHandler[source]

Logging handler.

A simple stream handler which immediately writes a log record to the write buffer. It provides the best performance. However, in server applications you may want to use uvlog.QueueStreamLogger to ensure your code is not blocking due to intensive logging.

terminator: ClassVar = b'\n'
route_prefix: ClassVar = 'file'
handle(record: LogRecord, /) None[source]

Immediately write a log record to the write buffer.

classmethod accepts_destination(route: str, /) bool[source]
classmethod resolve_destination(route: str, /) str[source]

Resolve destination route and normalize it.

close() None[source]

Close the handler including all connections to its destination.

This method is called automatically at exit for each added handler by the clear() function.

open_stream() None[source]

Open a file stream.

set_level(level: Literal['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NEVER'], /) None


class Formatter[source]

Log formatter interface.

It’s a protocol class, i.e. one doesn’t need to inherit from it to create a valid formatter.

abstract format_record(record: LogRecord, /) bytes[source]
class TextFormatter[source]

Text log formatter.

Creates human-readable log output.

Formatter settings must be set directly or using the uvlog.config() method.

_formatter = TextFormatter()
_formatter.timespec = 'seconds'
timespec: str

Precision for ISO timestamps, see datetime.isoformat()

timestamp_separator: str

Timestamp separator for ISO timestamps, see datetime.isoformat()

format: str

Log record format, a python f-string, the available keys can be seen in LogRecord type

format_record(record: LogRecord, /) bytes[source]
class JSONFormatter[source]

JSON log formatter.

To change the default dumps function assign it to the class attribute.

import orjson

JSONFormatter.serializer = orjson.dumps

Formatter settings must be set directly or using the uvlog.config() method.

_formatter = JSONFormatter()
_formatter.exc_pass_locals = True
serializer() bytes

Serializer function - a class attribute

exc_pass_locals: bool

Pass locals dict in exception traceback (don’t use it unless your logs are secure)

exc_pass_filenames: bool

Pass globals dict in exception traceback (don’t use it unless your logs are secure)

keys: Collection[str]

List of serialized log record keys.

The available keys can be seen in LogRecord type

format_record(record: LogRecord, /) bytes[source]


uvlog.LOG_CONTEXT : ContextVar[dict[str, Any]] - Default log context variable
uvlog.BASIC_CONFIG : dict - Default log configuration with stdout and stderr text handlers